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A day at Disneyland

Today was a truly and unexpectedly magical day at Disneyland. We began with allowing ourselves the indulgence of sleeping in until the 7 o’clock hour and lingering in bed until 8. A simple breakfast of sardines, crackers and a leftover chicken empanada. Unpalatable hotel coffee, poured out after a lackluster sip.

As the majority of our group of 26 hustled to the park, we took our time and made sure we had what we needed. We walked with Judy, our host, her daughter Karen and her son Hayden to California Adventure. Met up with Boppa and Heather and got fast track tickets to Soarin’ Over California. Played in a children’s fun area, climbing netting into tall perches and looking down at the park. Went into Soarin’, leaving Stella, 1 inch too short, with Gramma Heather to look for Minnie Mouse. Soarin’ Over California is a virtual reality flight over scenic California locales, including ski slopes, ocean waves, orange orchards, desert and balloons over the Napa Valley. It was thrilling and a total departure, and it include scents and temperature changes to complete the effect.

Then, Stella rode her first ride, in the Bug’s World, featuring a caterpillar named Heimlich who showed us what small objects look like to an even smaller insect. The cupcake, watermelon, and animal cookies all smelled like the real thing! Stella loved every minute of it. It was just her speed.

We fussed about in California Adventure a bit longer waiting for the group to regroup, and then left the park to meet Gramma Marilyn and Grampa Bob for lunch at Denny’s, after a very brief rest in our room at the Del Sol. A yummy grilled chicken on wholewheat with avocado and BBQ sauce for me, star shaped chicken nuggets and carrot sticks for Stella. A nice visit with the grandparents, Boppa, Heather, Spencer, Maddy and their cousin Truman.

Back to the hotel for a few more minutes with Gramma and Grampa. Maddy joined us and then departed for another round in the park.
Then, bidding goodbye to the visitors, Stella and I embarked on the best decision we made all day. Time alone, together, in Disneyland! After telling Stella that after all the rushing to keep up with others, this was now her time and she could rest whenever she wanted. We had ditched the wobbly and cumbersome stroller earlier, so we hoofed it through Main Street, straight to Fantasyland. Mr Toad’s Wild Ride was a little too wild for Stella, who did not appreciate all the bad guys, but after a good talk we decided it was alright. Looking at the lines, we decided against Peter Pan and others, but Casey Jones Railroad was fun and Dumbo was exhilarating and well worth the nearly hour wait during which we made friends with some nice lesbian parents and their little girl who looked like she had doll’s hair. Stella wanted to get right back into line. No wait too long for a ride on an elephant. We did not, however, wait a second hour for another ride. It was time for dinner at an all you can eat, family style BBQ in Frontierland. We sat with Molly, Jay, Maddy and their college aged cousins. Yum! Cornbread, coleslaw, corn on the cobb, served alongside sausage, chicken and ribs. Stuffed ourselves and enjoyed good conversation and a cowboy singing show. Waited around for what felt like forever to pay the bill and get ready to go back for more fun.

We joined Judy, Heather and Rick for a few rides. We went into the Tiki Room and were serenaded by fifty year old mechanical birds while sharing a pineapple sherbet. Then we went on a nighttime jungle safari. Lots of fun and a little alarming to Stella, who is now getting really good at identifying realistic mechanical animals. As we reconsidered Peter Pan, we went into a darling gift shop, the Bippity Boppity Boutique, and purchased a lovely little Ariel musical jewelry box. Mama decided then and there we can spend $20 a day on “stuff”. I would have chosen the Merida doll (from Brave) but it was for Stella after all… Maybe I will buy myself the doll. (As I read this aloud to Stella she said, “Mama I will buy the doll for you and me!”

We parted from the crew so they could go see a light show in California Adventure, but as I had grown weary in the long long long line to get into Disneyland after our lunch, I was wary of another. We decided just to walk and happened upon Stella’s favorite ride yet – Winnie the Pooh! She enjoyed pretending she was Winnie the Pooh, and she was mad for some hunny! I loved watching her face.

We wanted to see Fantasma, Mickey’s light show over the water, but the area around the Haunted House and Pirates was mayhem so we did a little more shopping, thinking about things we may want to buy in the future. Stella did a great job of not succumbing to the Gimmies. She also did an impressive job of walking all afternoon and evening in a very overwhelming and stimulating place. I am impressed with her maturity and sweetness.

We waited about 15 minutes for a train to Main Street. It was a fun ride in itself and spared us swimming upstream in the crowds. While waiting, we did catch a little of the light show from a distance and then, minutes after arriving at Main Street near the exit, we lingered and were rewarded with a lovely fireworks display featuring holiday music. After the finale, all the holiday lights came back on and snow began to fall from the sky. We fought the crowd to get under the snow and looking up was magical.

I am happy to report that I felt energetic and strong today, even when carrying the 32-pound child and a backpack. I am very surprised to feel so good after a day of running around as we did. Likely walked three or more miles!

The whole day was full of sweetness and excitement, and excellent time spent with my favorite girl. I must say, I learned the meaning of quality time today. This was by far the most fun I have ever had with Stella, with few exceptions. I have been missing Gabor and wishing he was with us experience this, too. But the special one on one time with my daughter is something I will cherish forever. Stella said to me “this is the best day ever!” with a heartfelt smooch on lips and a squeeze. I can’t believe that we have three more days in the park. I cannot take for granted that we may get tired, cranky, have minor mishaps, or something unexpected, so I am going to hold this one perfect, magical day in my heart. Now after a snack of graham crackers and a warm bath, we are ready for bed. I will read this to Stella as her bedtime story and post it tomorrow for her daddy to read and enjoy.

— Anya

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Tweets (up to Day 228, February 12)

I cut my first teeth. It’s a tiny, little one on the lower left. (I won’t let you see it though.) Mummy is proud and singing Mazeltov.
12:07 PM Feb 12th

Mama and Dada kept waving at me. So today I waved back (with my left arm) for the first time. They like it. Me too.
9:07 AM Feb 11th

On Monday I figured out how to crawl forward. In little increments.
9:07 AM Feb 11th

I am finally asleep. I don’t like colds!
12:22 PM Feb 8th

I hab a cold today! I am even cute when I need to blow by dose! I woke up on the bed and tried to crawl out to find mom. She got me in time!
10:50 AM Feb 8th

This morning I had cheerios for the first time. It’s a nice toy to play with too!
9:40 AM Feb 6th

Yesterday we played kukucs (peekaboo for non-Hungarian speakers). Yeah, it was fun.
9:40 AM Feb 6th

I’ve been saying dada and mama with intent for a few days. They finally noticed.
9:39 AM Feb 6th

I am skyping with apu!
3:32 PM Jan 28th

Lunch – Sweet tato and cucumber spears! I had a blast scraping and chewing. Yum. Now I am telling mom in my loud voice that I am tired.
1:46 PM Jan 28th

Last night I slept from 10 pm until 4 am! Mama considers that a sleep victory. I was really tired after a day out with Christina and Daniel.
9:08 AM Jan 28th

saying ‘mama’! Since last weekend she has added ‘mama’ to her repertoire of ‘dad’, ‘baba’, and ‘woof’! I am also really missing ‘da’
9:05 AM Jan 28th

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Tweets (up to Day 210, January 25)

I am full-o-beans and will not go to sleep. Mom has tried three times since 8:15 and I am currently sitting up and playing. 9:06 PM Jan 25th from web

I just perfected the reverse crawl. Mama has to child-proof tomorrow! I’m sooo big! I traveled 3 feet in ten seconds and was so very proud! 7:54 PM Jan 25th from web

I was praised for chattering during the rabbi’s speech today. They tell me mine is the voice of the future and hope for tomorrow! 3:14 PM Jan 25th from web

Playing with my alef-bet ball in a patch of sunshine on the floor of the library. This is the life! 9:34 AM Jan 25th from web

Playing librarian at the CG Jewish Community Library with mama. Where’s papa? 9:18 AM Jan 25th from web

This morning I pulled myself up to sitting from lying on my tummy. Ah the possibilities! I am trying so hard to crawl. Know any good tricks? 7:40 AM Jan 25th from web

I rocked on all fours just now! It was glorious! 8:05 PM Jan 7th from web

I got my knees under me and scooted forward today. Crawling, here I come! I also pulled myself up today. And I had peas and lettuce. Yum! 9:49 PM Jan 6th from web

I’ve discovered tantrums! Mom tries not to laugh but it is funny to see me throw a fit for more tummy kisses. We are working on it 11:16 AM Jan 5th from web

I started saying dadada two days ago and it is currently my favorite expression. This morning I tried sweet ‘tato for the first time. Mmmm. 11:14 AM Jan 5th from web

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This morning papa heard me say babababa and mama heard me say woof! 8:10 AM Dec 25th from web

Last night I had mashy carrots for the first time. I ate an entire baby carrot all by myself. However, I really wanted the duck and chutney! 8:08 AM Dec 25th from web

For my metric family: 19 lbs is 8.6 kg (while 18 lbs is 8.1 kg). Similarly 27.75 inch is 70.5 cm (and 25 inch is 63.5 cm.) 11:16 AM Dec 24th from web

I just got back from the doctor. I am healthy and big: 19 lbs and 27.75 inch (50 days ago I was 18 lbs and 17 inch.) 11:08 AM Dec 24th from web

This am I woke up as an older baby. I roll and reach – so close to creeping! I nash my non-teeth to tell mom I’m hungry! Applesauce please! 6:11 PM Dec 22nd from web

I adored the mango mom gave me in moment of weakness on Wed. I am trying to get mom to give me mango lassi instead of of breast milk, now. 6:08 PM Dec 22nd from web

Today and yesterday mom gave me spaghetti squash. I am not amused. 6:07 PM Dec 22nd from web

Today I got rice cereal. Yum! I really wanted to hold the spoon myself so mama gave me my own. I didn’t get too messy but did nab the bowl! 10:05 AM Dec 17th from web

I also had water for the first time. And that’s not all. It was out of a cup! 9:28 PM Dec 15th from web

I tried broccoli for the first time today. I think I liked it. 9:27 PM Dec 15th from web

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I wrote this myself: o90 b b b b b b b b b b b ee c x b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 8:05 PM Dec 12th from web

I giggled my head off tonight when mama kissed my tummy and said “kicky kicky kicky!” I can now kick and jump (in bouncie) on command. 21 minutes ago from web 7:59 PM Dec 12th from web

Papa got my cold so he is snoozing on the couch. Sorry, Papa! 12:52 PM Dec 11th from web

Today’s adventure is with pumpkin! I liked it best mixed with applesauce and mama-milk! It makes a better finger-paint than lunch! 12:51 PM Dec 11th from web

I have my first cold. Sniffles and teething=bad combination. Thank goodness mama is nursing me nonstop and letting me sleep in her arms. 3:49 PM Dec 9th from web

I tried banana today! I am not sure I like it yet. Give me time. Next up: pumpkin! 12:06 PM Dec 8th from web

(Oh, and last night we read a Hungarian non-story book. It had photos and important words like the “dolly that holds the hose.”) 9:47 AM Dec 6th from web

I just got cleaned up after my first meal of big girl food. Applesauce-a-mama. I liked holding the spoon and new sensations. (Pics later) 9:46 AM Dec 6th from web

I am really interested in light and shadows for the past few weeks. It delights and sometimes upsets me to see shadows. 2:03 PM Dec 2nd from web

I turned over the same direction twice for the first time an hour ago. Which means I roll; i.e. I am no longer stationary. 8:04 AM Dec 2nd from web

Last night I fell asleep on my tummy for the first time; my face buried in my books. 8:31 PM Nov 30th from web


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Tweets from November 28

I learned how to bang my toys against the tray on my swing. 10:23 PM Nov 28th from web

Last night she kept putting her head down on the pillow and looking up sideways at Grampa Kevin, in the first game we have seen her play. 9:33 AM Nov 28th from web

Stella is doing something new: she is resting her head on mama’s chest, even when she is awake. It is so cuddly and sweet. Mama love it! 9:32 AM Nov 28th from web

Snuggling with daddy, who is watching Kung Fu Panda. 9:31 AM Nov 28th from web

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Tweets from November 26

I am such a big girl! Mommy is so proud. Watch for new videos of me on my site. 5:38 PM Nov 26th from web

I just rolled from my back to my front and then back again for the first time! Now that I can do it, I am doing it repeatedly- Dad filmed it 5:37 PM Nov 26th from web

I am also “rolling effortlessly” 3:50 PM Nov 26th from web

I sat unassisted today for a couple of minutes! I still topple but I’m getting better. Mom told me I have to sit up before I can have solids 3:49 PM Nov 26th from web

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Tweets from November 25

Nursing. MMMMmmm, nums. 1:11 PM Nov 25th from web

Napping on the couch. Ahh. Now mama can eat her avocado toast and play online! 12:41 PM Nov 25th from web

trying to fall asleep in my crib – I have the no-sleepies! 11:50 AM Nov 25th from web

And yesterday I waved bye-bye to Granya! 11:30 AM Nov 25th from web

I have been rolling over since Halloween and blowing raspberries since my 4 month birthday. 11:29 AM Nov 25th from web

This morning I turned the pages of my favorite book all by myself! Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown. 11:29 AM Nov 25th from web

Teething! I am a drooly, poopy, whiny girl who has just taken to the pacifier again after a few months hiatus. It satisfies my mouthiness. 11:25 AM Nov 25th from web


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Day thirty-seven (August 5)

I realized lat in the day that we did not take any photos today. So I grabbed one on our way home from the doctor’s. She didn’t like to be put in the car-seat as you can see. But once we’re on the road she is fine.

BTW: She is 11 pounds and 15 ounces. (5.41 kg)

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